Npm_capture packet storage corruption and possible crash in devices updated to 11.14.0

Solution Number:
Last Modified:
Devices updated to 11.14.0 from previous versions could face the following issues because of a bug when adding packets to pre-existing jobs

1) Packet download slowness for packets recorded before the update 
2) packet download failing (0-bytes).
3) Npm_capture module crashing when downloading packets and possibly going into a restart loop in other conditions.

1. Issues 2 and 3 happen when the unique ID of a capture has 4 specific bits set to a certain value. 
2. Higher chance of hitting the issue if the customer runs multiple "capture jobs".
3. Customers installing 11.14.0 from scratch are not hitting this BUG.
The issue is caused by bug AR-4240 causing packets and packet access metadata to be written incorrectly on pre-existing capture jobs. Jobs created after the update are not susceptible to the issue.

An “easy” work around is to delete the jobs with the anomaly and recreate them. Reinitializing the storage or deleting all the packets in the job will not work around the issue. No other workarounds are known at the moment.

Please Note: This is for all versions of AR11.
Version 11.14.0
npm_capture crash
Slow packet download
Packet download failing.
AR-4240 issue detection.pdf
136K • < 1 minute @ 56k, < 1 minute @ broadband

NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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