How to configure Windows Error Reporting to create a dump file for SteelCentral AppInternal agent DsaServer.exe?

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From time to time Engineering needs process dumps from client machines where SteelCentral AppInternals processes might be crashing or hung on startup. How do we collect the crash dumps on startup of the process in question?
This article describes steps on how to configure Windows Error Reporting to create a dump file for SteelCentral AppInternals agent process DsaServer.exe in specific. However the steps can be extended to any other exe from which a crash dump is needed.

  1. Open Regedit as administrator
  2. Create a new key for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\LocalDumps\DsaServer.exe
  3. In the image below, instead of a MyApplication key, you’d have a DsaServer.exe key. Other keys may already exist - that’s fine.
  4. Within that key you’ll want to create a string value called “DumpFolder” and give it a directory where you want the dump to be created in (A temp directory might be best since it will likely avoid permission issues)
  5. create a DWORD value called “DumpType” with a value of 2 (to gather a full dump)
  6. Reproduce the crash and hopefully you’ll see a new .dmp created in your DumpFolder
SteelCentral AppInternals, Windows
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