Ports used by SteelConnect CX

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Ports used by SteelConnect CX for Inbound, Outbound and SSH connections.


Outbound Connections:

Service Protocol Port(s) Destination
DNS udp/tcp 53 any
NTP udp 123 any
HTTP redirect for Portal tcp 80 any
Uplink IP Reflector  tcp 80 rfl.x.riverbed.cc
SteelConnect Manager/Core Server tcp 443 core.ocedo.cc / core.riverbed.cc
Portal tcp 80/443 <hostname>.ocedo.cc
-or- <hostname>.riverbed.cc
Configuration and API tcp 3900 <hostname>.ocedo.cc 
-or- <hostname>.riverbed.cc
Tunneled SSH tcp 3901 <hostname>.ocedo.cc
-or- <hostname>.riverbed.cc
Reporting tcp 3902 <hostname>.ocedo.cc
-or- <hostname>.riverbed.cc
SDWAN Controller tcp 3904 <hostname>.ocedo.cc -or-
Reporting tcp 3905 <hostname>.ocedo.cc -or- <hostname>.riverbed.cc
Uplink Monitoring icmp   any
SteelHead-SD, 2030 and 5030 - Firmware download tcp 80/443 download.riverbed.com
SteelHead-SD, 2030 and 5030 - Licensing Server tcp  80/443  licensing.riverbed.com 

Inbound/Outbound Connections:

Service Protocol Port(s) Destination
AutoVPN SDI udp 500/4500 any
udp 500/4500
udp 500/4501-4506
Uplink public IP

Tunneled SSH Client Connections:

Service Protocol Port(s) Destination
SSH Proxy tcp 3903 <hostname>.ocedo.cc
or <hostname>.riverbed.cc

Ports needed for troubleshooting (System Dump upload & manual log copy):

Service Protocol Port(s) Destination
Riverbed FTP tcp 21 ftp.riverbed.com
Riverbed SFTP scp/sftp 22 sftp1.riverbed.com


<hostname> should be the same as appears in the URL for the SteelConnect Manager.  If your SteelConnect Manager is testcompany.riverbed.cc then you should use testcompany for <hostname>

API port is listed as port 3900.  In most cases it is 3900.  This can be verified by doing a DNS query for _cc._tcp.<hostname>.riverbed.cc
_cc._tcp.<hostname>.riverbed.cc SRV service location:
          priority = 10
          weight = 10
          port = 3900
          svr hostname = <hostname>.
Where port equals the port number that should be used for API port.

VPN port numbers can be configured in the SteelConnect Manager under Network Design -> Sites and then selecting a particular site and clicking on the WAN/AutoVPN tab, going to the AutoVPN advanced settings section and changing the AutoVPN Port to a different port number.

The HTTP redirect for Portal TCP port 80 is required to allow the TCP three way handshake to complete.  Once that has completed, portal will send a redirect to the client.  The client will not actually exchange any HTTP data with the external site.  Additionally, it should be the MGMT zone IP of the appliance in question that goes external.  So in the strictest sense, the source need not be all client IPs, but only the IPs of the Appliance MGMT zone IPs.


SteelConnect CX Ports

NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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