NetShark Compressed Flow Exports for NetProfiler Feature Summary

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How does NetShark Compressed Flow Exports for NetProfiler Feature work ?


Starting in NetShark Version 10.9, NetShark flow exports to NetProfiler are compressed using LZ4 compression to minimize data traffic.

A NetProfiler receiving compressed NetShark flow exports must be running NetProfiler 10.8 or later. As a best practice Riverbed recommends that the software version of a NetProfiler used with a NetShark be greater than or equal to the software version running on the NetShark.
Important If the NetProfiler is running a version earlier than 10.8 the compressed NetShark flow exports are silently ignored. 

Starting in version 10.9, compressed flow export to a NetProfiler is enabled by default. A new NetProfiler compressed export parameter has been added to the NetShark Advanced Settings page in the NetShark Web interface (Settings > Advanced Settings) to enable or disable NetProfiler flow export compression: 

The first value (to the left of the equals sign) is the position number (1 (first) or 2 (second)) in the NetProfiler For Export list on the NetProfiler Export page of the NetShark Web interface.
The second value (to the right of the equals sign) enables or disables compression (1 (default) enables, 0 disables).
When a NetProfiler is added to the NetProfiler for Export list on the NetProfiler Export page, a profilerexport.profilers.compression_type parameter is automatically created on the Advanced Settings page (near the bottom of the page).
Here is an example:

1.     Go to the NetProfiler Export page in the NetShark Web interface.

2.     Select the Enable Flow Export check box.

3.     Add a NetProfiler under NetProfiler for Export.


4.     Click Apply.

5.    The following NetProfiler compressed export parameter is added to the Advanced Settings page:


This NetProfiler is running version 10.8 software, so compressed flow exports are processed.
Turn off flow export compression by editing the NetProfiler export parameter for the NetProfiler on the Advanced Settings page.
Here is an example:
1.    Add a second Profiler Export

 2.     A new NetProfiler export parameter is added on the Advanced Settings page.


        Flow export compression is automatically enabled. This NetProfiler is currently running version 10.7 software so compressed flows are silently ignored. Flow export compression needs to be disabled for this NetProfiler to receive exported flows from the NetShark

3.     Go to the NetProfiler export parameter for this NetProfiler. Disable compressed flow exports by changing the “1” to a “0” in the second value.

4.     After making the change click Apply Changes at the bottom of the Advanced Settings page. The NetShark must be restarted for the change to take effect. Click Save Settings to continue, then click Restart Now.

5.     After the NetShark restarts, the NetProfiler export parameter on the Advanced Settings page now appears as follows:



1.     Compressed flow export does not affect NetFlow v9 export.

2.     Editing the Advanced Settings page using an unsupported Web browser can lead to errors.


If compressed flow exports are not processed properly, please open a TAC case.

NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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