SteelCentral Flow Gateway 9.0.6 Web UI displays Profiler Status as Off(Black)

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SteelCentral Flow Gateway 9.0.6 Web UI displays Profiler Status as Off(Black) even after IP address of Profiler has been configured on Gateway GUI after rebuild.


Working Gateway with 0 flows should still show a live configured Profiler as Ok(Green)


Verify the Gateway logs in

  • /usr/mazu/var/log/sensor.log
  • [mazu@SGlab-CGW01 ~]$ grep -i profiler /usr/mazu/var/log/sensor.log | less
  • Mar 29 17:52:01 (2642) (2703) [info] [probe] No profilers to report to

This means that Gateway does not know the Profiler IP even when configured in GUI.

For 9.0.x and below, the Profiler IP is saved in the DB setting table and the field name is dispactcher.address.

For 9.5.x and above we have moved that to local.conf and no longer save it in settings table.

In the event where customer does not wait for 5 minutes before login into the Gateway GUI after the initial mazu-linux(during rebuild) and the configuring the General settiings prior to mazu-linux completing, a timing issue can occur where the DB is not updated with the Profiler IP(missing) and the above issue can occur.

To resolve this issue customer needs to

  • re-build the Gateway (sudo mazu-linux –rebuild-box –verbose)
  • re-run with command (cascade-setup) for the Gateway

SteelCentral Flow Gateway 9.0.6

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