What projection does Opnet use when it displays a GeoTiff map and DTED/DEM data? I have noticed a discrepancy of as much as 500m when I load in a Geotiff map. I have tried using maps in the LAT/LON and UTM projections at a scale of1:100,000, in both the NAD27 and WGS84 datums. The discrepancy occurs in both maps.

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What projection does Opnet use when it displays a GeoTiff map and DTED/DEM data? I have noticed a discrepancy of as much as 500m when I load in a Geotiff map. I have tried using maps in the LAT/LON and UTM projections at a scale of1:100,000, in both the NAD27 and WGS84 datums. The discrepancy occurs in both maps.


When displaying subnet in world coordinates (with units set to degrees) Opnet is using an Equidistant Cylindrical projection system where the globe is basically expanded into a (-180, -90) (180, 90) rectangle.



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