How do I enable ODBC access through the Cascade Profiler web UI?

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ODBC allows limited access to the Profiler's postgres database but is disabled by default.

Also, when FIPS cryptopgraphy mode is set, ODBC access is disabled.


This procedure applies to Cascade Profiler software version 10.0 and above.  To enable ODBC access in earlier versions please contact Riverbed Technical Support.  

To enable:

  1. In Cascade Profiler's web UI, navigate to Configuration > Appliance Security > Security Compliance

  2. Enable ODBC access then Configure now.  This could take several minutes.

Until the above steps are performed, the page Configuration > Account Management > ODBC DB Access is remains hidden.  Once this page is revealed, navigate to it and create a database user and password for ODBC.


If FIPS mode is set and ODBC access is desired, uncheck FIPS in the web UI under:

Configuration/Appliance Security/Security Compliance


Cascade profiler v10.0 and higher.

Cascade Profiler expresss v10.0 and higher.


NOTICE: Riverbed® product names have changed. Please refer to the Product List for a complete list of product names.
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